Stuff I like

Stuff I like

Hey all! Thanks so much for the all the sweet comments on the board and batten in the office! I haven’t touched it since I finished – my shoulders still cry out for mercy every time I step in the room. :)

Every once in a while, I’ll find a new little doodad or product, and if I like it, I’ll think – “This (insert cool thing here) is so nifty, I need to tell my Squeezies about it!”

I think about you often, I do. ;)

But one little cool doodad does not make a post, so I thought I would show you a few of them all at once. Some of these we’ve been using for years, some just a few weeks.

First up, some super saahhhweet organization from my pal, your pal, everybody’s pal -- IKEA. I picked up these on a recent trip and love LOVE them:

iron storage

They hold your iron on the wall, all tucked away nice and organized. I know, it’s the little things. It doesn’t take much. I’m easy to please. I told you, IKEA makes me happy. :)

I think they were $3.99 each. The mini ironing board (for shirt sleeves) I hung with a Command hook (love those too).

I got two holders for our two irons – one is for hubby’s work clothes, and one for my drapery projects. I use hemming tape and there were some unfortunate hemming-tape-residue-on-the-work-pants incidents. So now we have his and hers irons. His is the manly dark one, mine is the dainty light one. So cute.

And did you notice the little cord holders? Um, that put me over the edge happy, cause you know cords give me the heebs.

Next up, a knock your head against the wall cause I WHY didn’t I think of this, the Zip-It:

zip it

Oh my glorious, this thing ROCKS. I love this little $2 jobbie – you just put it down your drain and pull up. All the nasty comes up with it. You’ll thank me for not showing you – I’ll let you experience that for yourself.

I found it forever ago, and I’m never going back to the nasty chemicals to unclog our drains. I have this thing about Drano. It freaks me OUT. Every time I’d use it, I’d turn on all the fans, open every window, close the doors behind me, and leave the house for three days.

A little bit of an exaggeration, but not much. :) I don’t remember where I got our Zip It, but I’ve seen them at Target, and you can find out more at their website here. (If you have a weak stomach, do not watch the video on their site. For reals.)

A couple of years ago, we found the BEST, fluffiest, softest, more absorbent towels EVER. And we found them at Meijer of all places.

I am gaga over these towels:

I kid you not, I adore them. They are hands down the best towels we’ve ever owned. We’ve spent good money on much more expensive brands and these beat them in price, quality and comfort any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

They’re called New Heritage, and I believe the large towel is $9.99:

new heritage towels

I’m not kidding you – they are luscious. I’ve washed them meeellions of times and they hold up amazingly well. They’re softer than the day we bought them, they don’t snag, and they get you dry.

We love them so much, we got rid of all of our older towels and only use these now. They come in about seven colors I think, but no white, which is kind of a bummer.

The last of my cool stuff is for the kitchen. I found these oven mitts at Crate and Barrel last year:

crate and barrel silicone mitt

I got my first one with a gift card (they are $9.99), and loved it so much I went back for another. Eventually I got rid of all of my other oven mitts, they are that great. They’re grippy enough that they hold on tight to pans, they wash so easily (I rinse them or put them in the dishwasher) and they take up so little storage space.

Speaking of silicone (this stuff is amazing, eh?) I found this little strainer ($5.99 I think?) at TJMaxx last summer:

Doesn’t look like a strainer huh?


It pops out. I don’t know why, but this thing gets me all giddy. Ingenious.

This one is pretty small, and it still hold a good amount:

pop out strainer

It washes so easily, and takes up a sliver of storage space in the drawer. I’m on the lookout for slightly larger versions as well.

I guess they make storage containers like this too now. The brilliance out there astounds me. Again, WHY doesn’t my brain think of this stuff? Don’t you love how you see something like this and you’re all DUH…but you would never think of it?

At least my head doesn’t. :)

So there. you. go. My favorites doodads of late. Nuggets of awesome. Good stuff. Stuff I like. Anything you’ve found lately that you love? Trinkets, tools, stuff that works? I love hearing about things that work and hold up for moms and families.

P.S. I’m not getting paid by any of these companies, I just like their stuff. So I share. Cause they rock.

P.P.S. If you can find the bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in a picture above, you get a gold star.

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